Wholesales Packs
Become an official Nela Stockist!
Do you own a book store or run a co-working space?
Our magazine packs contain 5, 10 or 25 copies at a heavily reduced price.
Tiny Pack
Test Nela Magazine: The tiny pack contains 5 copies of the latest issue for just including shipping. (21$ x 5= 105 -50$= 55$)
Pack Ten
The starter pack contains 10 copies.
10 copies to EU
10 copies to USA/Canada
10 copies to anywhere else
Pack Twenty-Five
The starter pack+ contains 25 copies
25 copies to EU
25 copies to USA/Canada
25 copies to anywhere else
New stockists must email us with details on how/where they plan to sell the magazines.
Our RRP is USD 22.00, EUR 18.00 or GBP 16.00
You can’t return unsold copies.
We can list you as a stockist once you have received your shipment and the magazines are for sale. Let us know!